BMA's Risk Appetite Analyzer
Please answer the following questions to gain insights about your risk appetite for investments.
Please select below to proceed:
New Client
Existing Client
Tell us a bit about yourself...
What is your current age?
Below 30
30 to 50
50 to 60
60 or above
What is your total monthly household income?
Below PKR 80,000
Between PKR 80,000 and 150,000
Between 150,000 and 350,000
Above 350,000
How much of your total income do you save each month?
Below 10%
Between 10-25%
Between 25%-50%
Above 50%
What do you consider to be your primary investment objective?
Current income/monthly return
Balance between growth and current income
Long-term capital growth
What amount of money are you considering for investment?
Below PKR 100,000
Between PKR 100,000 and 500,000
Between PKR 500,000 and 1,000,000
Above PKR 1,000,000
What is your expected average annual return?
Conservative-3% to 5%
Moderate-6% to 8%
Aggressive-8% to 12%
Very aggressive-Over 12%
How many months of current living expenses could you cover with your present savings and liquid, short-term investments, before you would have to draw on your investment portfolio?
Less than 3 months
3 to 6 months
6 to 12 months
More than 12 months
Over what period of time do you expect to withdraw funds?
In less than 1 year
Within 1 to 2 years
Within 2 to 5 years
Over 5 years
How would you describe your knowledge of investments?
The value of most investments fluctuates over both short and long term. How would you feel if an investment you had committed to lost 30% of its value during the first year?
I would be extremely concerned and would sell my investment.
I would be concerned and may consider selling my investment.
I would be concerned, but I would not consider selling my investment.
I would not be overly concerned given my long-term investment perspective.
How would you characterize your personality?
I’m optimistic. Things always work out in the end.
I’m cautious but open to new ideas.
I’m anxious. No matter what you say, I’ll worry.
I’m a pessimist. I always expect the worst.